terça-feira, 19 de agosto de 2014

Muffins :)

Hi everyone (:

Sorry it took so long to post on the blog ... 

The other day I made muffins and took some pictures for you to see :)

Espero que gostem das fotos que tirei enquanto fazia queques ^^

If one day you want to do muffins like this you jast should see this revenue:

  1. 5 eggs
  2. 3 cups of flour
  3. 1 cup of oil
  4. 2 cups of sugar
  5. 1 natural yoghurt (optional)
  6. chocolate
Se quiserem fazer queques como estes só têm que seguir a receita: 

Este foi o resultado final :

this was the end result
Hope you like my new post , If you want you can follow me on twitter @MariiRodrigu and on Instagram @mariirodrigu (:
                     -M. (: xx